Wednesday 29 August 2012


Have you wanted to take a close-up photograph of something on a flat surface?
You haven't got a steady hand?

I asked my husband if he could make me a frame to hold the camera.  
In all of two seconds he came up with this!

This is a frame that comes with microwaves with a grill.  Never likely to use it, but it is handy for putting things from hot-pots to pot plants on.  New microwave recently and we have another one!

Took one bar out because the lens of the camera would not go through the bars

and we have a camera frame!


  1. Now that is ingenious!
    Carol xx

  2. Brilliant idea!

  3. Thanks for stopping by sallymomsprouts and leaving such a nice comment. Had to reciprocate. Love your blogs. How do you manage more than 1 ?
    Your photos here prompt me to tell you about my side tables. I have a few low plant stands made of black metal that hold just one large flower pot about 15 inches off the ground. I put a pretty plate on the top instead of a saucer and voila! a little table just large enough for a mug of tea and a sweet next to my favorite chair.


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